Tenements enable more people to live close to all the attractions the city has to offer, than low density housing. They also mean we live unusally close to our neighbours.
If you're a tenant or a neighbour of a House in Multiple Occupancy (HMO) flat you'll be interested in how to make sure commercial landords are keeping their flats safe from the risk of fire, upholding minimum space standards and minimising unnecessary noise disputes.
Landords who wish to let a flat to three or more co-habiting adults have a number of obligations placed on them by the goverment which are administered by the council.
- They are reqiured to apply for an HMO license.
- They are also required to apply for the planning department for change of use from dwelling to HMO.
- Altering a flat in order to comply with the HMO license may require a landlord to get a Building Warrant and Completion Certificate.
Landlords must not advertise flats for rent until the HMO license is granted. This is a recurring issue in our street and any evidence of this happening should be reported to the council