Saturday, 14 June 2008

Want to comment on an item or post your own item on this Blog?

It's easy to comment on a posted item. Just click on the word 'comments' in green at the bottom of the relevant post. You can read other people's comments by clicking on the title of the post.

You can be an author too. We're looking for people who'd like to post an item on the blog that relates to Gillespie Crescent. The subjects will hopefully be many and varied. Its up to you. Just respond to this post by clicking 'comments' at the end and include your email address in the comment and we'll invite you as an author. It won't be instant I'm afraid as it relies on me getting notified of your request. It the meantime. . . get your thinking cap on and draft your text.

If you know someone - a neighbour perhaps - without internet access who might like to contribute please include their comments.

In the name of good community relations, keep your contribution positive, succinct and obvioulsy not libellous! Contributors are entirely responsible for their content.

1 comment:

SnowDug said...